2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
29413011.00 Tetracyclines kilogram/- 20%  Q --
29413012.00 Salts of tetracyclines kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29413011.00
29413020.00 Tetracyclines derivatives and their salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29413012.00
29414000.00 Chloramphenicol and its derivatives,salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29413020.00
29415000.00 Erythromycin and its derivatives,salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29414000.00
29419010.00 Gentamycin and its derivatives; salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29415000.00
29419020.00 Kanamycin and its derivatives; salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419010.00
29419030.00 Rifampicin(RFP); salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419020.00
29419040.00 Lincomycin and its derivatives; salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419030.00
29419052.00 Cefalexin and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419040.00
29419053.00 Cefazolin and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419052.00
29419054.00 Cefradine and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419053.00
29419055.00 Ceftriaxone and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419054.00
29419056.00 Cefoperazone and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419055.00
29419057.00 Cefotaxime and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419056.00
29419058.00 Cefaclor and its salts kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419057.00
29419059.10 Actidione kilogram/- 20%  QS Compare-29419058.00
29419059.90 Other cephalosporins and their deviants (including their salts) kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419059.10
29419060.00 Midecamycin and its derivatives; salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419059.90
29419070.00 Acetyl-spiramycin and its derivatives,salts thereof kilogram/- 20%  Q Compare-29419060.00