2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
30021200.23 Antiserum and other blood containing human genetic resources kilogram/- 20%  ABV P.V/Q.W --
30021200.30 Erythropoietin(EPO) kilogram/- 20%  ABR P.V/Q.W Compare-30021200.23
30021200.93 Rare disease drug preparations. kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30021200.30
30021200.94 Other antiserum and blood containing endangered animal components kilogram/- 20%  ABEF P.V/Q.W Compare-30021200.93
30021200.99 Other anti-serum and other blood types due to the resolution of anti-cancer drugs kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30021200.94