2024 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(April 1, 2024 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
5702.50.020 Other, not of pile construction, not made up /   --
5702.50.100 1 Of cotton SM/KG 13.4%  8.4% 6.72% Free Compare-5702.50.020
5702.50.100 2 Other / 9.6%  Free Compare-5702.50.100
5702.50.910 - Of wool or fine animal hair SM/KG   8.1% 6.48% Compare-5702.50.100
5702.50.990 - Other SM/KG   7.9% 6.32% Compare-5702.50.910
5702.50.990 Other, not of pile construction, made up : /   Compare-5702.50.990
5702.91.000 Of wool or fine animal hair SM/KG 9.6%  8.1% 6.48% Free Compare-5702.50.990
5702.92.000 Of man-made textile materials SM/KG 9.6%  7.9% 6.32% Free Compare-5702.91.000
5702.99.000 Of other textile materials /   Compare-5702.92.000
5702.99.010 1 Of cotton SM/KG 13.4%  8.4% 6.72% Free Compare-5702.99.000
5702.99.020 2 Other SM/KG 9.6%  7.9% 6.32% Free Compare-5702.99.010
57.03.020 Carpets and other textile floor coverings (including turf), tufted, whether or not made up. /   Compare-5702.99.020
5703.10.000 Of wool or fine animal hair SM/KG 9.6%  7.9% 6.32% Free Compare-57.03.020
5703.10.000 Of nylon or other polyamides : /   Compare-5703.10.000
5703.21.000 Turf SM/KG 9.6%  6.3% 5.04% Free Compare-5703.10.000
5703.29.000 Other /   6.3% Compare-5703.21.000
5703.29.100 1 Of size and shape suitable for incorporation in motor vehicles /KG Free  Compare-5703.29.000
5703.29.100 2 Other / 9.6%  5.04% Free Compare-5703.29.100
5703.29.210 - Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0.3�u SM/KG   Compare-5703.29.100
5703.29.290 - Other SM/KG   Compare-5703.29.210
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.