2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
13012000.00 Gum Arabic kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q --
13019010.00 Gum tragacanth kilogram/- 40%  AB P/Q Compare-13012000.00
13019020.00 Olibanum,myrrh and dragon's blood kilogram/- 17%  ABQ P/Q Compare-13019010.00
13019030.10 Endangered wild Ferula kilogram/- 17%  ABE P/Q Compare-13019020.00
13019030.90 Other Ferula kilogram/- 17%  AB P/Q Compare-13019030.10
13019040.10 Pine-resin of endangered plants of pinaceae kilogram/- 45%  ABE M.P/N.Q Compare-13019030.90
13019040.90 Other pine-resin kilogram/- 45%  AB M.P.R/N.Q Compare-13019040.10
13019090.10 Resin of dracaena draco,resin of euph orbia,resin of lignum vitae kilogram/- 45%  ABFE P/Q Compare-13019040.90
13019090.20 Cannabis resin kilogram/- 45%  ABI P/Q Compare-13019090.10
13019090.91 Other natural gums,resins,gum-resins and oleoresins(for example,balsams)of endangered plants kilogram/- 45%  ABFE P/Q Compare-13019090.20
13019090.99 Other natural gums,resins,natural gum-resins and other oleoresins(for example,balsams) kilogram/- 45%  AB P/Q Compare-13019090.91
13021100.00 Opium kilogram/- 9BI M.P/N.Q Compare-13019090.99
13021200.00 Saps and extracts of liquorice kilogram/- 20%  4xAy R/ Compare-13021100.00
13021300.00 Saps and extracts of hops kilogram/- 80%  AB P.R/Q.S Compare-13021200.00
13021400.11 Preparation of pesticides for Ephedra extract and extract powder kilogram/- 80%  23AB P/Q Compare-13021300.00
13021400.12 For the preparation of medicine Ephedra extract and extract powder kilogram/- 80%  Q23AB P/Q Compare-13021400.11
13021400.19 Other ephedra extract and extract powder kilogram/- 80%  23AB P/Q Compare-13021400.12
13021400.20 Ephedra juice kilogram/- 80%  Q23AB P/Q Compare-13021400.19
13021910.00 Crude lacquer kilogram/- 90%  AB M.P/N.Q Compare-13021400.20
13021920.00 Azadirachtin kilogram/- 11%  ABS P/Q Compare-13021910.00