2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
30021500.30 Rare disease drug preparations. kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W --
30021500.40 Veterinary immunology in vivo diagnostic products (dosed) kilogram/- 20%  ABR P.V/Q.W Compare-30021500.30
30021500.50 Immune products listed in the Doping Catalogue have been prepared with a fixed dose or made into retail packaging kilogram/- 20%  ABL P.V/Q.W Compare-30021500.40
30021500.90 Other immunological products,which have been dosed or made into retail packaging for the purpose of splitting the anti-cancer drug kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30021500.50
30024100.11 The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine has been dosed or made into retail packaging kilogram/- 20%  QAB V/W Compare-30021500.90
30024100.19 Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine,not dosed or made into retail packaging kilogram/- 20%  QAB V/W Compare-30024100.11
30024100.90 Other human vaccines kilogram/- 20%  QAB V/W Compare-30024100.19
30024200.00 Veterinary vaccine kilogram/- 20%  R Compare-30024100.90
30024920.00 Ricin kilogram/- 20%  23Q Compare-30024200.00
30024930.10 Control of bacteria and viruses in dual-use items kilogram/piece 20%  3AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30024920.00
30024930.20 Bacillus thuringiensis,Bacillus subtilis kilogram/piece 20%  ABS P.V/Q.W Compare-30024930.10
30024930.90 Other bacteria and viruses kilogram/piece 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30024930.20
30024990.10 Sclerotinia bacteriophage,Paecilomyces lilacinus,Trichoderma harzianum,Pythium oligoandrogens kilogram/- 20%  ABS P.V/Q.W Compare-30024930.90
30024990.20 Control toxin of other dual-use items kilogram/- 20%  3AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30024990.10
30024990.90 Other toxins,cultured microorganisms (excluding yeast) and similar products kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30024990.20
30025100.10 Cell therapy products in the list of anti-cancer drugs kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30024990.90
30025100.90 Other cell therapy products kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30025100.10
30025900.00 Other cell cultures,whether or not modified kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30025100.90
30029040.10 Genetics materials and gene-modified organisms under control of sensitive items kilogram/- 20%  3AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30025900.00
30029040.90 Other genetics materials and gene-modified organisms kilogram/- 20%  AB P.V/Q.W Compare-30029040.10