2024 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(April 1, 2024 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
0805.50.000 Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) and limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) / Free  (Free) --
0805.50.010 - Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) /KG   Compare-0805.50.000
0805.50.090 - Limes (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) /KG   Compare-0805.50.010
0805.90.090 Other /   Compare-0805.50.090
0805.90.020 1 Limes (other than Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus latifolia) /KG Free  (Free) Compare-0805.90.090
0805.90.090 2 Other /KG 20%  17% Free Compare-0805.90.020
08.06.090 Grapes, fresh or dried /   Compare-0805.90.090
0806.10.090 Fresh /   Compare-08.06.090
0806.10.000 1 If imported during the period from 1st March to 31st October /KG 20%  17% Free Compare-0806.10.090
0806.10.000 2 If imported during the period from 1st November to the last day of February /KG 13%  7.8% Free Compare-0806.10.000
0806.20.000 Dried /KG 2%  1.2% Free Compare-0806.10.000
08.07.000 Melons (including watermelons) and papaws (papayas), fresh /   Compare-0806.20.000
08.07.000 Melons ( including watermelons) : /   Compare-08.07.000
0807.11.000 Watermelons /KG 10%  6% Free Compare-08.07.000
0807.19.000 Other /KG 10%  6% Free Compare-0807.11.000
0807.20.000 Papaws (papayas) /KG 4%  2% Free Compare-0807.19.000
08.08.000 Apples, pears and quinces, fresh /   Compare-0807.20.000
0808.10.000 Apples /KG 20%  17% Free Compare-08.08.000
0808.30.000 Pears /KG 8%  4.8% Free Compare-0808.10.000
0808.40.000 Quinces /KG 8%  4.8% Free Compare-0808.30.000
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.