2024 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(April 1, 2024 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
1702.60.220 - Other /KG   (50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater) Free --
1702.90.220 Other, including invert sugar and other sugar and sugar syrup blends containing in the dry state 50% by weight of fructose /   Compare-1702.60.220
1702.90.220 1 Sugar / 35%  Compare-1702.90.220
1702.90.110 - Sugar centrifugal /KG   24.5% **(61.9%) Compare-1702.90.220
1702.90.190 - Other /KG   29.8% Free Compare-1702.90.110
1702.90.190 2 Sugar syrup / 35% or 27 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  Compare-1702.90.190
1702.90.211 - Of sugar centrifugal /KG   24.6% or 13.30 yen/kg, whichever is the greater **(35.4% or 47 yen/kg, whichever is the greater) Compare-1702.90.190
1702.90.219 - Other /KG   29.8% or 23 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Free Compare-1702.90.211
1702.90.219 3 Artificial honey and Caramel / 50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  (50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater) Free Compare-1702.90.219
1702.90.290 - Artificial honey /KG   Compare-1702.90.219
1702.90.300 - Caramel /KG   Compare-1702.90.290
1702.90.300 4 Hi-test-molasses /   Compare-1702.90.300
1702.90.410 (1) Intended for use in the manufacture of glutamic acid and its salts, yeast, lysine, 5'-ribonucleotide and its salts and other products stipulated by a Cabinet Order /KG #5%  3% Free Compare-1702.90.300
1702.90.420 (2) Other /KG 25%  21.3% Free Compare-1702.90.410
1702.90.420 5 Other /   Compare-1702.90.420
1702.90.510 (1) Containing added flavouring or colouring matter /KG 35% or 27 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  29.8% or 23 yen/kg, whichever is the greater Free Compare-1702.90.420
1702.90.510 (2) Other /   Compare-1702.90.510
1702.90.521 A Containing added sugar /KG 50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater  **(114.2% or 89.50 yen/kg, whichever is the greater) Compare-1702.90.510
1702.90.521 B Other /   Compare-1702.90.521
1702.90.522 (a) Sorbose /KG 20%  12% Free Compare-1702.90.521
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.
**2Intended for refining, and content of sucrose by weight, in the dry state, corresponds to a polarimetric reading of less than 99.3° Free
−For the Pooled Quota Free
−Other than for the Pooled Quota 21.50 yen/kg
**3For the Pooled Quota (Fructose syrup derived from saps, extracts or concentrates of Agave (Agave tequilana or Agave salmiana), of a Brix value exceeding 74, containing in the dry state not more than 4% by weight of sucrose, not more than 25% by weight of glucose and more than 70% by weight of fructose, not containing added flavouring or colouring matter or added sugar or other sweetening matter, whether or not refined) 25% or 12.5 yen/kg, whichever is the greater
**4(Treatment for Mexico)
−Fructose syrup derived from saps, extracts or concentrates of Agave (Agave tequilana or Agave salmiana), of a Brix value exceeding 74, containing in the dry state not more than 4% by weight of sucrose, not more than 25% by weight of glucose and more than 70% by weight of fructose, not containing other sweetening matter, whether or not refined, put up in containers for retail sale Free
−Other 50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater
(Treatment for other Parties) 50% or 25 yen/kg, whichever is the greater