2024 Japan's Tariff Schedule ( Statistical Code for Import )(April 1, 2024 NEW)

Statistical code H.S.code Description Unit Tariff rate General Temporary WTO GSP LDC Compare
09.10.200 Ginger : /   --
0910.11.200 Neither crushed nor ground /   Compare-09.10.200
0910.11.100 1 Provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions /KG 15%  9% Free Compare-0910.11.200
0910.11.100 2 Other /   Compare-0910.11.100
0910.11.210 (1) Put up in containers for retail sale /KG 10%  5% Free Compare-0910.11.100
0910.11.210 (2) Other /   2.5% Compare-0910.11.210
0910.11.292 A Dried, whole, whether or not peeled /KG Free  Compare-0910.11.210
0910.11.292 B Other / 5%  Free Compare-0910.11.292
0910.11.291 - Fresh /KG   Compare-0910.11.292
0910.11.299 - Other /KG   Compare-0910.11.291
0910.12.299 Crushed or ground /   Compare-0910.11.299
0910.12.100 1 Provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions /KG 15%  9% Free Compare-0910.12.299
0910.12.100 2 Other /   Compare-0910.12.100
0910.12.210 (1) Put up in containers for retail sale /KG 10%  5% Free Compare-0910.12.100
0910.12.210 (2) Other / 5%  2.5% Free Compare-0910.12.210
0910.12.291 - Fresh /KG   Compare-0910.12.210
0910.12.299 - Other /KG   Compare-0910.12.291
0910.20.299 Saffron /   Compare-0910.12.299
0910.20.100 1 Put up in containers for retail sale /KG 4.2%  3.6% Free Compare-0910.20.299
0910.20.100 2 Other / Free  Compare-0910.20.100
**1The tariff rates in this column are for the tariff lines in the Schedule of Japan, Sub-Section 5, Section B, Annex I of the Agreement.